How to Find a Discount Rowing Machine

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Most neighborhoods these days are finding resale shops springing up right and left. This might be for clothes, household goods, and of course exercise equipment as well. A quick local search of your neighborhood can turn up used sporting goods stores close to home. Of course, if they’re selling used goods they can’t always guarantee what they have in stock so it might be a good idea to call first.

Using a rowing machine is a great idea for any fitness enthusiast or anyone that wants to get back into shape. With a rowing machine you are getting a great aerobic workout and you are also working every major muscle group in the body as well. But with family budgets being stretched to the max these days, it’s not a bad idea to search for a discount rowing machine if at all possible. Where can you score such a bargain and what should you look for?

Most neighborhoods these days are finding resale shops springing up right and left. This might be for clothes, household goods, and of course exercise equipment as well. A quick local search of your neighborhood can turn up used sporting goods stores close to home. Of course, if they’re selling used goods they can’t always guarantee what they have in stock so it might be a good idea to call first. But if you do find that they have a rowing machine available, this means you can test it out right there in the store before you buy it.

Another good place to pick up a good piece of used exercise equipment is at your local garage sales. Garage sales are not usually advertised in the newspaper so you need to keep track of any signs you spot during the week on lamp poles, walls, stop signs. Keep a pad of paper and a pencil in your car as you are driving around during the week and jot down all of the address for garage sales along with the dates and times.

Do not be afraid of talking to other shoppers when visiting your local garage sale. Perhaps they have seen what your are looking for or they may have the item themselves and have not yet put it up for sale.

When purchasing a discount rowing machine, you want to check it out thoroughly. Make sure the cords are without wear and tear. It should flow smoothly when it’s used; any “catches” can signal a fray somewhere, which means the cord will probably need to be replaced soon. Sometimes a rowing machine can have problems with the weights themselves; they can start to crack and show signs of wear after a few years of use. Check them out for chips and dings.

While a discount rowing machine doesn’t have a belt on it the way a treadmill does it definitely can still show signs of wear on every piece that moves. Check it out carefully from all angles. Be sure to check out all of the pivot points such as the where the oars are attached. Also take a hard look at the track that the seat moves on and be sure that the sliding movement is free and easy and that there is no sidewise movement.

After getting your used exercise equipment home I recommend lubricating all pulleys, pivot points, and slide bars with white grease. This grease is used for lubricating garage door tracks and can be found at home depot.

You can of course get a discount rowing machine from online sites such as eBay, CraigsList, and so on, but be careful. It’s difficult to make a good decision when you can’t test it out first. If you so shop online, try to purchase a brand new rowing machine from a closeout or discount store rather than get a used one from someplace else. Many discount stores are just carrying models from a few years ago; they haven’t been used but are no longer available at retail stores so that there’s room for the newer models. Very often these models are perfectly fine and offer everything you’re looking forFree Web Content, so you can usually get a great deal on any discount rowing machine from stores like this.

Source: Free Articles from

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